How God's Kingdom Comes
This morning, my baby woke hot to my touch.
What have I accomplished? I answer, “Not much.”
I snuggled her close and I canceled my plans.
I fell more behind on all life’s demands.
I offered up prayers as she slept in my arms.
Her smile returned and she came through unharmed.
I feel so relieved and yet nothing got done.
I don’t think I’m helping God’s kingdom to come.
I read in the Bible of those who are weak,
Still used by God’s hand for His face they do seek.
A man with a stutter, a boy with a stone,
A woman who left the land she called home,
One coin from a widow, five loaves and two fish—
You cannot make up a story like this.
A babe’s in a manger, he’s sucking his thumb.
Can this be the way that God’s kingdom will come?
The spilled cup of milk that you wipe from the floor.
The story you read when your kids plead, “One more!”
The tantrum you handle when you’re running late.
The patience you pray for when you say, “Please wait.”
The prayer you send up as you whisper, “Oh Lord.”
The eyes that you wearily turn to His word.
The shoulder you offer to those who are glum.
I think this is part of how God’s kingdom comes.
The God who created the world with a word
Can use what you’re doing, though it seems absurd.
He’ll take what you give him and use it for good.
You’d offer it all if you just understood–
Your time and your talent, your prayers and your tears,
Your dreams and your wishes, your days and your years.
The tasks you accomplish and those left undone.
Yes, this is all part of how God’s kingdom comes.
Image by @towfiqu999999